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Top tips for packing when moving house

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When moving home there are so many things you need to remember to arrange and organise, but if you get the packing done right and at the right time then you’ll save yourself a whole lot of trouble further down the line. It can be tempting to throw everything into random boxes and cram it into the van, but once at your new home you’ll regret doing so.

Take a look below for our top tips for your move, all of which are designed to help alleviate the stress of moving all your worldly possessions.

1)    Get the right materials – This doesn’t just mean gather up any old boxes; you need to think carefully about everything you need before you even attempt any packing. Ensure you get the right boxes – are they sturdy enough? Will you be able to manoeuvre them easily?

Scissors, tape and a marker pen will also come in handy for sealing and labelling boxes of toys, kitchenware and other goods. Keep a roll of black bin bags handy for the things you want to throw away too.

2)    One room at a time – The rushed move is always the worst; you might see quick results but at the other end you’ll find a huge mess and everything will be jumbled. If you pack away a room at a time you can label everyone’s individual things up accordingly, avoiding arguments later. You can start with the rooms that contain the things you use the least and work your way to the bedrooms the closer you get to moving day.

3)    Create a schedule – Before you start, create a schedule, if other people are helping then ensure they know the schedule. The better you plan packing in the run up to the move the more straightforward everything will be. You don’t need a minute-by-minute itinerary, but knowing which days you plan to pack will help keep you focused.

4)    Keep hazardous materials separate – There are some things you don’t want to pack in a haphazard manner such as bleach, oils, paints and any other chemicals you have. Keep these in a separate box and ensure they are labelled properly; this will help to ensure these are moved delicately and separately from all your other valuables. Any leak in the moving van could be costly for everyone involved if you pack them amongst other items.

5)    Label and secure electronics – Electronics might not be the first thing you think about for your new home, but if you love your gadgets you’ll want to be able to set up quickly and easily. When you unplug your wires and cables you should place them all in separate bags and label them. When you get to your new home you can set up all your favourite devices without any fuss or tangles.

Removals are always strenuous, but with our packing tips you can hopefully keep your sanity and stay organised. Here at Barnes of Lincoln we provide all the packing materials you need for your move and help ensure that moving home goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Get in touch today for more information and to find out how we can assist you in home removals.

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